List User Group Properties Statement. Click tab 'Display' and select 'Results to grid' in the dropdown list. 0". STEPS TO REPRODUCE: 1. To Execute a Script from the Command Manager Graphical Interface. This Knowledge Base article addresses a syntax issues encountered when running the Cache Update Command Manager script with prompts. N are the GUIDs of the report caches to be deleted, of type GUID. To invoke Command Manager from the database server, use one of the following. exe) — Enables you to execute existing Command Manager scripts using parameters in the command line mode. Type cmd and press ENTER. LIST [ALL] PROPERTIESFOR (USER "login_name"| USERS IN GROUP "user_group_name"); where: USER "login_name" is the login name of the user for whom properties are listed, of type string. Notice this sample is based on the MicroStrategy Tutorial Project. " This syntax reference guide lists the statements available for Command Manager Runtime and gives the syntax and examples for each statement. Example. For more information about Command Manager, including steps to use Command Manager scripts, see the Command Manager chapter of the System. Statements consist of one or more tokens. In MicroStrategy Command Manager 9. MicroStrategy Command Manager introduces the ability to save scripts with encryption. The script only contains the first part of the sequence and hence only tracks that piece of information. (5) Command Manager was unable to establish a connection to Narrowcast Server. The Command Manager script outlines help you insert script statements with the correct syntax into the script window. When using MicroStrategy Command Manager in Command Line mode on Linux or MicroStrategy Cloud Remote Command Manager, the command fails with exit code 10. OBJECT purges object caches. You can perform various administrative and application development tasks by using text commands that can be saved as scripts or entered as commands to be completed as part of a System Manager workflow. LIST ALL PROPERTIES FOR INTELLIGENT CUBE CACHE GUID 1234567890ABCDEF IN PROJECT "Development Project 5"; ResultSet Columns. If the procedure file is not created using the Procedure window, the file may be missing this information and may not execute correctly. LIST ALL DEPENDENTS FOR METRIC "New Metric" IN FOLDER "Public ObjectsMetrics" FOR PROJECT "MicroStrategy Tutorial"; ResultSet Columns. The impact is from the MicroStrategy 9. To Execute a Script from the Command Manager Command Line InterfaceHere are more examples of tasks you can perform using Command Manager: User management: Add, remove, or modify users or user groups; list user profiles. LONGDESCRIPTION "new_long_description" is the new long. For steps on how to create this update package, see Copy Objects in a Batch: Update Packages. x. Just checked and it seems you have to omit the base path to the table. The previous commands can be saved in a script that also requests the Command Manager console to be open through the command prompt. 4. For examples of the correct syntax for all Command Manager statements, see the Help. This can be done by choosing the 'Save as Encrypted Script' option from the File menu, as shown: This password will be used for decrypting the script and will need to be entered when attempting to open the script within MicroStrategy Command Manager. To check the syntax of the entire script before execution, see Checking the syntax of a script. A Command Manager script consists of one or more script statements. The Expression page is where the expression is built. Click the desired topic below to view more details, or scroll down to view each of the following topics: The menu bar. It is using mstrio Python library and Command Manager scripts. MicroStrategy Command Manager includes a. This location will vary depending on where MicroStrategy is installed and can be found in the MSIReg. location_path is the folder from which the attributes are to be listed, of type string, between double quotes ("). Consider the following command from the command line:For purging the object cache use the IDSSSource interface. For example, the script may have tried to write to a read-only file, or read from a file that does not exist. This script is at C:\Program Files (x86)\MicroStrategy\Command Manager\Outlines\Cache_Outlines\Invalidate_Report_Cache_Outline. scp". This command will only return subscriptions where the user executing the command is the owner or recipient of the subscription. All up to date privilege tokens are accessible in Command Manager, see Inserting Sample Statements: Outlines for more information. For detailed instructions on using Java in procedures, see the Command Manager Help. With introduction of Library there is a need to synchronize user language preferences between Web and Library interfaces. For detailed instructions on using Java in procedures, see the Command. For instructions on creating these scripts with Command Manager, see Automating Administrative Tasks with Command Manager, or see the Command Manager Help. Rework the Command Manager script so that it will change the "User must change password at next login" option to FALSE, such as in the following example: ALTER USER "TestUser" PASSWORD "19eighty2" ALLOWCHANGEPWD FALSE. Save the file as Filename. ; Begin date: The start date in which this data load. Type help. You can also create, edit, or delete multiple documents at the same time by using a Command Manager script. 1? ANSWER: When executing Command Manager scripts via Command Manager GUI, users have the option to save the outputs to CSV or Excel file format. PROJECT: The project associated with the user connection, returned as a string. In Microstrategy Administrator - Command Manager an administrator can move reports from one folder to another and can even re-name these reports when moving them. Number of Views 3. x, when using the Command Manger ADD ACE FOR FOLDER or REMOVE ACE FROM FOLDER outlines to affect ACLs in MicroStrategy Developer, the changes are not saved after an I-Server restart or purging object cache. To include Java in a Command Manager script, you write a procedure containing the. x-10. All other text appears in black. Both can be located under the Procedures outlines folder as shown in the following image:For the Command Manager syntax for starting and stopping Intelligence Server, see the Command Manager Help (press F1 from within Command Manager). USER "login_name" is the name of the user whose security roles you want to list, of type string. 3. N" are the projects from which the invalid report caches are to be deleted, of type string. For instructions on creating these scripts with Command Manager, see Automating Administrative Tasks with Command Manager, or see the Command Manager Help. This command line interface is used to run command manager scripts without having to load the graphical interface and to be able to schedule scripts to run automatically. md ###Description Goal of this repo is to share/collect customer created/customized procedures of MicroStrategy Command Manager. PROJECT "project_name" is the project for which you want to list the security roles for the user or group, of type string. This script is at C:Program Files (x86)MicroStrategyCommand ManagerOutlinesCache_OutlinesInvalidate_Report_Cache_Outline. Some statements are not available for UNIX users. Check to verify that System Manager is installed on the machine: - Windows: Type MASysMgr. Number of Views 884. 768: Grid Report. For example, you can create a procedure called NewUser that creates a user and adds the user to groups. Introducing “mstrio” – Python and R wrappers for the MicroStrategy REST APIs. where: event_name is the name of the event to be triggered, of type string, between double quotes (" "). x. In Command Manager, procedures are reusable scripts that can be executed from other scripts. • System Tools—These processes enable you to perform tasks external to MicroStrategy. Command Line. For steps to create a custom group in MicroStrategy Developer, see the MicroStrategy Developer help. The following steps show how to create a new user and add the user to multiple user groups in MicroStrategy Command Manager. Start the Command Manager graphical interface: In Windows: From the Windows Start menu, point to All Programs, then MicroStrategy Tools, and then choose Command Manager. A Distribution Services file device is used to automatically send a MicroStrategy report or document to a folder on a computer on your network in a file format that the user chooses when subscribing to the report. You can also create, edit, or delete multiple custom groups at the same time by using a Command Manager script. scp":. For the syntax of metric expressions in Command Manager, see Metric expressions syntax. Despite the fact that the Supplemental Reference for System Administration Guide provides an example of this script being used, use of 'NTLINK' is redundant when using 'IMPORTWINUSER'. Requests messages can be sent from the workflow manager or enterprise schedule by: Remote login via scheduler agent and running MSCT script with request as argument. Type the command of <script> CHECK to check if the syntax is correct. exe -help. Open a connection to MicroStrategy Narrowcast Server metadata by choosing File -> Connect -> Narrowcast Metadata, as. Some statements are not available for UNIX users. A token is a word, a list of words enclosed in quotation marks, or a symbol. In Command Manager, procedures are reusable scripts that can be executed from other scripts. new_description is the new description of the metric, of type string, between double quotes (" "). List User Privileges statement. For details on this process, refer to the. Create a user as shown below: CREATE USER "jaime" PASSWORD "user" FULLNAME "jaime User" IN GROUP "Web Users"; Create a DbLogin for the user created in Step 2, as shown below: CREATE DBLOGIN "dblogin_ jaime". DESCRIPTION: There are a number of scenarios in which it is desirable to automate the adding of a statistics instance i. This command line interface is used to run command manager scripts without having to load the graphical interface and to. Execute the command ". By executing Command Manager scripts, external systems can trigger events and cause the associated tasks to be run. LIST [ALL] PROPERTIES FOR REPORTreport_nameIN FOLDERlocation_pathFOR PROJECTproject_name; report_name is the name of the report, of type string, between double quotes (" "). The MicroStrategy REST API is a RESTful application that uses HTTP requests such as POST, GET, and DELETE. Below is a sample: cmdmgr. Below is the syntax to be used when answering expression prompts while using the PROMPT and ANSWER script in MicroStrategy Command Manager. x that returns a list of objects in a project or project source that match user-pecified criteria. From the Visualizations panel, select Grid . where: executable_program is the name of the executable program to be launched/run, which indicates the full path and additional parameters (if necessary), of type string, between double quotes (" "). x. Connect to a project source or Narrowcast Server. for a script with several commands, one of which being a cube publication command, the. Using Command Manager. Command Manager provides two methods that can be used by Java scripts to execute Command Manager commands: execute runs any Command Manager command. The graphical Command Manager interface incorporates a script editor. Related Topics. sh -silent -options <path of the options. RUN COMMAND executable_program [WAIT];. The user must first have a valid workflow. These script files can be created using Command Manager, as described in Creating and Executing. SYMPTOM:. For more information about Command Manager logging, see Using log files. Automating Administrative Tasks. - UNIX and Linux: Type mstrsysmgr and press ENTER. The command line options for executing Command Manager scripts using the command line are included in the following table. For example, you can create a procedure called NewUser that creates a user and adds the user to groups. ALLOW_CHANGE_PASSWORD: Whether or not the user's password can be changed, returned as a boolean value. MicroStrategy Developer と MicroStrategy Command Manager は、同じコンピューター上、または異なるコンピューター上にインストール. If you're using 32-bit, please adjust accordingly. 1. doesFieldExist (DisplayPropertyEnum iProperty) TRUE if a column for the specified PropertyID exists in the ResultSetTo modify the Web Idle Timeout, use the following script can (an abbreviated version of the above outline): ALTER SERVER CONFIGURATION WEBIDLETIME <number_of_seconds>; where <number_of_seconds> should be replaced with the new number of seconds, without any additional quotation marks or delimiters. In the Log file path field, type the path of a log file, or use the folder (browse) icon to browse to a log file. Why MicroStrategy Why MicroStrategy; Customer Stories; Platform Products; MicroStrategy ONE; AI & Augmented; Dossier; Library; Workstation; HyperIntelligence; Multi-Cloud; Embedded Analytics; Innovations; Futures. List of machines involved (OS types of machine) and which one is running command manager. Script Outlines The Command Manager script outlines help you insert script statements with the correct syntax into your scripts. This can go both ways, but this script concentrates on Library -> Web path. PROJECT "project_name1. This can go both ways, but this script concentrates on Library -> Web path. (DB Query Tool is located at Start > Programs > MicroStrategy >. They can use Command Manager syntax, or they can be written in the Java programming language and incorporate Command Manager. In System Manager, use the Find and Replace File Content task to change the string in the Command Manager script file to the parameter value. These procedures are briefly described below. MicroStrategy Command Manager does not check anything outside of the script to ensure that it successfully completes. 4) In MicroStrategy Developer, connect to the MicroStrategy. MicroStrategy Administrator - Command Manager 9. The Command Manager script outlines help you insert script statements with the correct syntax into the script window. Select On from the drop-down. Double-click on MicroStrategy Intelligence. 1) Using either MicroStrategy Developer or Command Manager, create the first filter that will be used in the second filter definition as a shortcut. ALL purges all caches. DESCRIPTION "new_user_description" is the new description of the users, of type string. Open User Preferences > Project Defaults. In this example, the script was created as follow: CREATE FILTER "Nested Filter" IN FOLDER "Public ObjectsFilters" EXPRESSION "" ON PROJECT "microstrategy tutorial"; 3) Execute the script. For a list of statements available to Command Manager Runtime, see List of statements supported in Command Manager Runtime. Syntax errors occur when Command Manager encounters an instruction that it does not understand. IS_GROUP: Whether the member is a user or a group, returned as a Boolean. where: attr_name is the name of the attribute to be modified, of type string, between double quotes ("). Command Manager contains a large number of sample procedures that you can view and modify. FULL_NAME: The full name of the member, returned as a string. Script errors: Execution errors. SYMPTOM: In MicroStrategy Command Manager 10. These properties are not specified in the example script provided in Command Manager. They can be manipulated as follows: To see the actual outline statements, expand a category by clicking the + sign next to it. USER GROUP "user_group_name" is the name of the group whose security roles you want to list, of type string. Type mstrcmdmgrw and press Enter. The syntax guide and the sample script statements are useful references to these commands. x and newer has a built in command line interface. To Access Fact Expressions For a New Fact with an Expression. Drag an attribute from the Datasets panel to the Rows area of the Editor panel to add attributes to the rows. The fourth section contains examples of how the statements can be used in Command Manager scripts. • System Tools—These processes enable you to perform tasks external to MicroStrategy. lookup_table is the name of the lookup table to be used in the form, of type string, between double quotes ("). The following example uses the MicroStrategy Tutorial project for illustration purposes. Command line syntax. For more information about Command Manager, see Automating Administrative Tasks with Command Manager. Locate Sending Log to Telemetry Server in the Features for Customer Feedback section. Now from the same client machine, connect to the same Intelligence Server via MicroStrategy Command Manager. For late-breaking updates to. If you try to execute a script with statements that are not available in Command Manager Runtime, the script fails with. The following steps show how to implement this functionality in MicroStrategy Command Manager: Create User Profile Folder In MicroStrategy Command Manager, using the User Profile outlines to write a script to create the user profile folder. 1. In order to change an attribute form expression of an attribute form, use the "add attributeformexp" script with the overwrite option. Number of Views 2. For reference on a comprehensive list of. 151527,142631: Server: DE53568: In Report Services Document, HTML grid is truncated when exported to Distribution Services. - In the Source File, specify the location of the original Command Manager script file. When creating a script, we can sequence different functions that will perform the tasks we request. 概要: Command Manager のエディターでスクリプトを入力する際に、下図のように日本語が文字化けする事象が発生します。Developer ではこの事象が発生しません。Command line syntax for Command Manager Runtime. Example. new_start_date is the new start date that determines the first day the schedule will be active, of type date (mm/dd/yyyy). The command line options for executing Command Manager scripts using the command line are included in the following table. If -p is omitted, Command Manager Runtime assumes a null. For example, the script may have tried to write to a read-only file, or read from a file that does not exist. 1, the changes do not get applied to the reports unless the database instance is opened in Developer. For more information about. For steps on how to create this update package, see Copy Objects in a Batch: Update Packages. MicroStrategy Command Manager lets you perform various administrative and application development tasks by using text commands that can be saved as scripts. (CERATE for CREATE, for example) or a statement that does not follow the required syntax in another way. How to use Guacamole to copy and paste text or files in MicroStrategy on AWS;Why MicroStrategy Why MicroStrategy; Customer Stories; PlatformTime Discrepancy Between Command Manager Scripts and Time Required for Job Completion. scp): Browse to and select the Command Manager script file that defines all the tasks to be completed. As of MicroStrategy 9. The steps below show you how to deploy a workflow from within System Manager. As a MicroStrategy system administrator, you may be responsible for managing MicroStrategy Web and Mobile environments. It is possible to create users individually using the User Manager interface in Developer, or using Command Manager (for a detailed explanation of how to use Command Manager, including examples, see Automating Administrative Tasks with Command Manager). The toolbar. For example: "C:Program FilesMicroStrategyAdministratorCommand Managercmdmgr. Create a regular Filter using a non prompted expression as in the example script belowWhy MicroStrategy Why MicroStrategy; Customer Stories; PlatformFor information about obtaining Command Manager Runtime, contact your MicroStrategy sales representative. Command Manager contains a large number of sample procedures that you can view and modify. For example, you can. " Specify and change the Log output. NUMERIC: When the answer is a number such as when trying to qualify on 2011 in the Year attribute in MicrosStrategy Tutorial project, use the following syntax:Procedures can use Command Manager syntax, or they can be written in the Java programming language and incorporate Command Manager statements in Java commands. exe -help. 3. 5. txt. Creating a Custom Group. For an introduction to Command. MicroStrategy Administrator - Command Manager 9. By executing Command Manager scripts, external systems can trigger events and cause the associated tasks to be run. it was possible for users to export Command Manager results to CSV file format when executing through Windows command line. MicroStrategy Administrator - Command Manager 9. 2. Another advantage of this feature is that if any of the Intelligent Cubes fails during the publication, this won't affect the script. The Command Manager script engine uses a unique syntax that is similar to SQL and other such scripting languages. - In the Destination File, specify. KB6392: How to execute a command manager script through a command line interface with MicroStrategy Administrator - Command Manager 9. This technical note explains how this can be accomplished using MicroStrategy Administrator - Command Manager . This server should previously be added to Enterprise Manager using the Start Monitoring command. The user has the option to send all logs to one single file. From the MicroStrategy Object Manager on a client machine connect to the Intelligence Server and create a project package. Log in using and Administrator account. GUID cache_guid1. To invoke Command Manager from the database server, use one of the following commands: SQL Server: exec xp. location_path is the folder where the attribute resides, of type string, between double quotes ("). Command Manager provides two methods that can be used by Java scripts to execute Command Manager commands: execute runs any Command Manager command. It was saved as Year = 2011:. scp. For more information on the different types of metrics that can be used in MicroStrategy reports, see the Metrics section of the MicroStrategy Developer Help (formerly the MicroStrategy Desktop Help ). location_path is the folder from which the attributes are to be listed, of type string, between double quotes ("). MicroStrategy Command Manager Help. x using Command Manager By default, MicroStrategy Command Manager handles cube publication synchronously (i. Lists current privileges of a user. How to list project sources when using Command Manager's Interactive Mode in MicroStrategy Command Manager 9. However, if starting Intelligence Server is not successful, the first thing that occurs is that the Update Loop Counter configuration updates a parameter for the workflow. By default, Command Manager scripts are saved in plain text format. Uses an English like scripting language to convert a. To reproduce the issue with MicroStrategy Tutorial, an Administrative user can run the following MicroStrategy Command Manager 8. ) From the Connection menu, select Execute. new_attr_name is the new name of the attribute, of type string, between double quotes ("). cmdshell. Command Manager facilite l'intégration de l'administration MicroStrategy dans n'importe quel système de gestion. Drag an attribute from the Datasets panel to the Columns area of the Editor panel to add attributes to the columns. It is using mstrio Python library and Command Manager scripts. To incorporate the results of a Command Manager statement into a procedure, use the ExecuteCapture command. The following topics contain syntax details and example script statements for each object. In MicroStrategy Command Manager there is a way to obtain list of filter specific properties (such as expressions). This command terminates the entire Command Manager process. Using a Command Manager script: You can also execute a Command Manager script to import an update package without using Object. x provided to ability to run some outlines without the need for an Intelligence Server or Narrowcast Server connection. You can also create, edit, or delete multiple metrics at the same time by using a Command Manager script. You can then call this procedure from another Command. scp" is used. In MicroStrategy Desktop, changes are automatically applied to run time objects in the MicroStrategy Intelligence. e. Create a new metric "Test DIM 2" in the Public ObjectsMetricsCount Metrics folder with the following definition: Count. This command line interface is used to run command manager scripts without having to load the graphical interface and to. x, from the Command Outline window, follow the steps below to insert a sample into the active script window: Click to select the Samples window to bring it into focus (the current window has a white background) Highlight the desired sample to be inserted. It is using mstrio Python library and Command Manager scripts. This script does the following: Connects to MicroStrategy; Downloads all usersThis article provides instructions on how to configure Enterprise Manager Data Loads using Command Manager scripts in MicroStrategy 10. In Linux: Browse to the MicroStrategy Home folder, then to the /bin subfolder. This file is created using MicroStrategy Object Manager. CACHE_FILE_NAME: The name of the Intelligent Cube cache file, returned as a string. If the project source name, the input file name, or any of the output file names contain a space in the. Project name: Specifies the project which data will be used. This command line interface is used to run command manager scripts without having to load the graphical interface and to. For more information about using Command Manager and for script syntax, see. List User Group Privileges Statement. 4. TRIGGER EVENT event_name;. x the script ADD WHTABLE and UPDATE STRUCTURE FOR WHTABLE fails to find a table specified when using multisource functionality and the table does not exist in all the databases being used. Command Manager is a MicroStrategy tool designed to automate certain tasks and processes. 2. x and newer has a built in command line interface. In this example the file name "691031. x . xMicroStrategy Enterprise Manager project 9. For more information about Command Manager, see Automating Administrative Tasks with Command Manager. FOLDER "location_path" is the folder path where the security filter is to be placed in the project, of type string. You can then call. exe) — Enables you to execute existing Command Manager scripts using parameters in the command line mode. MicroStrategy Administrator - Command Manager 9. Java cannot be included directly in a Command Manager script, but can be used directly for procedure. Number of Views 455. Example. 04K. ) ,. Open MicroStrategy Administrator - Command Manager and log into a 3-tier mode project source. Open the script. A full list of parameters can also be accessed from a command prompt by entering cmdmgr. This script does the following: Connects to MicroStrategy; Downloads all usersYou can also create an XML file to import an update package from the command line, similar to using an XML file to create an update package as described in Creating an Update Package from the Command Line. Description: A basic demo for Admins and Advanced. ; Actions: The actions this data load will trigger. NTSID "new_user_ntsid" is the new NTSID to be linked. When executing Command Manager scripts via Command Manager GUI, users have option to save the outputs to CSV or Excel file format. bat. x database and leads to. List Attributes statement. Deletes a metric from the specified project. where: fact_name is the name of the fact, of type string, between double quotes (" "). PROJECT "project_name1. attr_name is the name of the attribute, of type string, between double quotes ("). x and newer has a built in command line interface. Command Manager manipulates MicroStrategy objects by means of user-created scripts rather than a graphical user interface. Source: MicroRooster. The method IDSSSource::ExecuteCommand - with the command DssSrcCmdPurge purges all objects from an object cache. A full list of parameters can also be accessed from a command prompt by entering cmdmgr. This article provides instructions on how to configure Enterprise Manager Data Loads using Command Manager scripts in MicroStrategy 10. MicroStrategy System Administration Guide. Metric expressions in Command Manager use a specific syntax. project_name is the name of the project, of type string, between double quotes ("). Answer. Thanks, Nitin2) Create the second filter using MicroStrategy Command Manager 9. The following topics contain syntax details and example script statements for each object. Insert a package outline to create an Undo package using following syntax as example: Click Insert Visualization . Start, stop, or restart the Intelligence Server, configure clusters, and disconnect active sessions. Using a Command Manager script: You can also execute a Command Manager script to import an update package without using Object. exe -help. For steps to create a custom group in MicroStrategy Developer, see the MicroStrategy Developer help. x scripts: CREATE SECURITY FILTER "Customer City" IN PROJECT "Duplicated MicroStrategy Tutorial" EXPRESSION "Customer City@ID=1";Save the changes to the options. For example, the string “REPLACEME” was used in the image below. Command line syntax for Command Manager Runtime. Excel was not a supported file format for the Command Manager execution output in command line mode in MicroStrategy 9. x and 10. ResultSet Columns. attribute_name is the name of the attribute whose properties are to be listed, of type string, between double quotes ("). A full list of parameters can also be accessed from a command prompt by entering cmdmgrlt. Create a user as shown below: CREATE USER "jaime" PASSWORD "user" FULLNAME "jaime User" IN GROUP "Web Users"; Create a DbLogin for the user created in Step 2, as shown below: CREATE DBLOGIN "dblogin_ jaime". At the end of the database load routine, you include a statement to add a line to a database table, DB_LOAD_COMPLETE, that indicates that the database load is complete. The syntax details for each project source statement are grouped by the type of objects they affect. x and newer has a built in command line interface. Your Command Manager license has expired. For example, type the command: . To execute a script with Command Manager Runtime, call the Command Manager Runtime executable, cmdmgrlt. High ROI DW and BI Solutions #2 Use of Pre – Post SQL VLDB Settings of MicroStrategy Use command manager script to get list of reports where VLDB setting – Pre-. Name: The name of the object returned by the search, returned as a string. This document shows one user procedure which could do the same task as below: The sample outline of executing this procedure is as below: EXECUTE PROCEDURE. The following can be reproduced with MicroStrategy Tutorial on a Linux machine in command line. smw format. Is it possible to export Command Manager results to CSV or Excel when executing scripts in Windows command line for MicroStrategy Analytics Command Manager 9. Command Manager is a MicroStrategy tool designed to automate certain tasks and processes. Enterprise Analytics Business Intelligence; HyperIntelligence; Cloud; Product Innovation; Education; ConsultingThe aim of this article is to catalog and expedite the troubleshooting process for Command Manager by ensuring that complete data makes it into our support organization before troubleshooting begins. Command Manager. With introduction of Library there is a need to synchronize user language preferences between Web and Library interfaces. When running these five newly created stored procedures, via ISQL (Command Line utility for SQL Server commands), there will be three MicroStrategy Administrator - Command Manager scripts that will later be executed via command line. This technical note provides steps to modify the Project Configuration settings through a MicroStrategy Sample Procedure in Command Manager 9. Open MicroStrategy Administrator - Command Manager and log into a 3-tier mode project source. Examples. 1 product when altering a. The sample procedures are stored in the Command Manager directory, in \Outlines\Procedure_Outlines\User_Procedures\ . 3. You can retrieve subscriptions by filtering for Object Type = Subscriptions/Schedule. By default, this is C:Program FilesMicroStrategyCommand ManagerCommand Manager.